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IMI Webinar Series - Appearance Expectations for Masonry: Light and Shadows

September 10, 2024
11:00AM CDT - 12:00PM CDT
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Masonry is often chosen for use in buildings because of its appearance or aesthetics. But what happens when the expectations for various masonry materials or wall assemblies are not met? We’ll provide tips and best practices so that appearance doesn’t become an issue in the first place. Learn how downlighting on interior and exterior masonry walls can accentuate the unique characteristics of masonry. We’ll discuss the 20’ rule and how it sometimes gets used inappropriately. Finally, we’ll touch on the color ranges of materials, mortar joint profiles, and chipping of materials.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss design and construction requirements in the ASTM standards.
  • Identify what type of lighting works best alongside a masonry wall.
  • Develop skills to communicate effectively with the owner to ensure a secure, durable, and visually appealing structure that aligns with their expectations.
  • Explain how to effectively observe and assess masonry construction in the field, ensuring it adheres to industry standards.


About the Speaker:
Brian Trimble, PE, CDT, LEED AP
Director of Industry Development and Technical Services, IMI

Brian is a professional engineer who has worked in the masonry industry for over 30 years, assisting design professionals in the design of masonry structures. He speaks frequently to local, regional, and national construction industry groups.
His career began with a brick manufacturer and he worked for the Brick Industry Association for over 20 years. For the International Masonry Institute he coordinates activities in the Western PA and Western NY areas. In addition to owners, contractors, architects, engineers, and craftspeople, he promotes masonry to a wide range of audiences.

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