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IMI Webinar Series - Design of Tall Brick Veneer Structures

March 05, 2025
11:00AM CST - 12:00PM CST
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Masonry veneers are being used on tall wood structures much more than in the past, but can pose differential movement issues that are different from typical brick and block cavity walls. Explore important issues regarding exterior wall backing systems of masonry, steel studs, and wood studs. These backing systems used behind brick veneer don’t all perform the same. Newer types of construction, particularly taller light frame wood construction, go beyond the typical recommendations for brick veneer. Learn the basics of material movement, including the differential movement of brick veneer compared to backing systems like concrete masonry, steel studs, and wood studs. Besides the calculation of movement, you’ll discover details and techniques that allow you to use brick veneer on structures over 30’ tall.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the code requirements for brick veneer, including flashing, anchors (ties), air spaces, weeps, and height limitations. Design for increased differential movement issues for tall brick veneer over various backings.
  • Design for increased differential movement issues for tall brick veneer over various backings.
  • Understand the design implications of choosing one backing systems vs another.
  • Detail shelf angles, windows, and other penetrations in a brick veneer wall.


About the Speaker:
Brian Trimble, PE, CDT, LEED AP
Director of Industry Development and Technical Services

Brian is a professional engineer who has worked in the masonry industry for over 30 years, assisting design professionals in the design of masonry structures. He speaks frequently to local, regional, and national construction industry groups.
His career began with a brick manufacturer and he worked for the Brick Industry Association for over 20 years. For the International Masonry Institute he coordinates activities in the Western PA and Western NY areas. In addition to owners, contractors, architects, engineers, and craftspeople, he promotes masonry to a wide range of audiences. 

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