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April 2024: National Alcohol Awareness Month

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April 2024: National Alcohol Awareness Month

Many people who use alcohol in a way that puts their health or safety at risk, or otherwise creates challenges in their lives, do not recognize the behavior as problematic. National Alcohol Awareness Month is an opportunity to evaluate your relationship to alcohol, and to determine a path forward. 

Although each person is different, and this list is not exhaustive; any combination of the following warning signs and symptoms may indicate problem drinking:

  • Physical response: Withdrawal from alcohol (such as shakiness, sweating, and palpitations) as well as increased tolerance to alcohol (needing more to achieve the same effect). 
  • Urgency: The compulsion to begin drinking, as well as difficulty stopping (especially in the face of consequences or intentions to stop). 
  • Preoccupation: Having trouble focusing on things other than drinking. 
  • Neglect: Neglecting duties and responsibilities as the result of drinking. 
  • Harmful/risky behavior: Engaging in behaviors that are threatening to self and/or others as the result of drinking. 

BAC MAP also encourages members who may be concerned about alcohol misuse to complete an online screening by clicking here.

When a pattern of alcohol misuse or problematic drinking is established, or a diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder has been given by a licensed professional, intervention is often needed to help bring about change. While millions of North Americans, including those working in the construction industry, are negatively impacted by problematic alcohol use each year; life-saving resources are available. BAC MAP stands in support of members who may need care for challenges related to alcohol use and misuse. If you are a loved one are in need, please contact BAC MAP at 1-833-MAP-TALK for confidential help. 

For additional resources related to Alcohol Awareness Month, please visit:

If you or someone you know is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. You may also obtain immediate 24/7 help from the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling 988.